485 Visa Australia English Requirements: PTE, TOEFL, IELTS

485 Visa Australia English Requirements: PTE, TOEFL, IELTS
Posted by admin
on October 18, 2023

After graduating from an Australian educational institution, international students who wish to reside and work in Australia temporarily after finishing their studies may apply for a Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485).

One of the most crucial qualifications for applying for the Temporary Graduate Visa subclass 485 is proficiency in English. You must possess enough 485 visa language requirements.

You can take various English language exams to determine your competency, including the TOEFL, PTE, and IELTS. You can check the official website for each English exam to schedule a test time. You can’t apply for the visa if you don’t meet these 485 visa English requirements.

Temporary Graduate Work Visa Streams

The Temporary Graduate Visa comes in two varieties:

Post-Graduation Work Stream Visa

You and your family can live, work, study, and travel in Australia for two to four years if you graduate from an Australian postsecondary institution within the last six months.

This visa is not valid for holders of credentials lower than a bachelor’s degree, such as a certificate III, diploma, or graduate diploma.

Graduate Work Stream Visa

You can spend 18 months living, working, studying, and travelling in Australia with your family if you graduated from an Australian postsecondary institution within the last six months.

On the other hand, your subject of expertise needs to be in demand on the Skilled Occupation List, which requires passing a skills assessment. The work and your qualifications must be closely related. An electrician, for instance, cannot be a journalism graduate.

485 Visa Australia English Requirements

The Temporary Graduate Visa requires you to show that you speak English well enough to function in an Australian workplace. First, let’s discuss who is exempt from providing proof of English proficiency. Candidates are exempted from 485 English requirements if they:

  • Have an active passport from the United Kingdom, 
  • United States, Canada, 
  • New Zealand, or Ireland
  • Are citizens of that nation.

However, If not, you must prove that you passed any widely recognised English language proficiency exams. The following are the prerequisites for each test in 485 Visa English:

485 Visa IELTS Requirement

To meet the IELTS requirement for 485 visas, You need to receive at least a six on the whole, with at least a five on each of the four components (writing, speaking, reading, and listening).

485 Visa TOEFL iBT Requirement: 

Here, you need to receive a total score of 64, with at least a 4 in the reading and listening categories and a 14 in the speaking and writing categories.

485 Visa PTE requirement (Pearson Test of English): 

You should have a minimum score of 50, with 36 points for each component, to meet 485 PTE requirements.

Visa 485 Occupational English Test (OET) Requirement

obtaining a minimum of a B on each OET test component.

485 Visa CAE Requirement: 

A minimum score of 169 is required, with 154 in each.

The longest duration occurring before taking an English test is two years before applying or two years before the application’s decision.

Distinction Between The Post-Study and Graduate Work Streams

The differences between the two streams are as follows:

  • The qualification requirement is where the differences lie.
  • Those who have recently completed their diploma or advanced diploma can apply for the Graduate Work Stream.
  • Post-study stream applicants are those who have completed their PhD, master’s, or bachelor’s degree.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I apply for a 485 visa without taking the IELTS exam?

You can apply for and be granted a subclass 485 visa Australia without taking the IELTS exam if you own a valid passport issued by any of the following nations:

  • United Kingdom;
  • United States of America;
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • Ireland’s Republic

Q. What is the minimum PTE score needed to obtain a 485 visa?

To pass the PTE Academic exam, you must receive at least 36 in each of the following: speaking, reading, writing, and listening.

Q. What level of English is required to obtain a 485 visa?

You need to receive at least 5.0 points in each of the following categories: listening, reading, writing, and speaking; 6.0 points overall in the IELTS (General or Academic); 36 points in each of these categories; 50 points overall in the PTE Academic; 154 points in each of these categories; 169 points in the CAE; B points in each of these categories; and B points overall in the OET; at least 4 points in listening, 4 in reading, 14 in writing, and 14 in speaking; and 64 points in the TOEFL iBT.

Can I apply for 485 without PTE?

Old IELTS, PTE, or OET scores, less than 3 years old, remain valid for 485 visa applications.


You must apply for a Temporary Graduate Visa if you are an overseas student planning to continue your education or job in Australia after graduation. However, prerequisites, eligibility based on education and talent, and age are not the only critical factors to consider while applying for the 485 visa. The 485 post-study work visa English requirements are crucial. You can’t obtain a Temporary Graduate Visa 485 before completing the English IELTS or a comparable exam. If you take the test, you must receive an average score of 6.0, with 5.0 in each band.

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