Important Aspects About Visa Subclass 187 Processing Time!

Important Aspects About Visa Subclass 187 Processing Time!
Posted by Migration Agent Adelaide
on April 4, 2019

Regional Sponsor Migration Scheme visa subclass 187 allows the Australian employers to sponsor skilled employees from overseas to fill the vacant position in their organization which they could not address through local market. This visa aims to fulfil the labour shortage in regional Australia. For those who are interested in RSMS can apply under one of the two available streams including Direct Entry Stream (DE) and Temporary Residence Transition Stream (TRT).

What is Visa Subclass 187 Processing Time:

Visa Subclass 187 RSMS processing time requires to undergo 3 stages including:

Advice from Regional Certifying Body (RCB)

  • The first stage involves submitting certain proofs that RCB demands to review whether the application is genuine or not (here employers have to prove that they advertised the position for required time period on the right platform, however could not find an appropriate candidate for the position through local labour market which led them to nominate an international worker).

Nomination Application:

  • Here it is been checked if the employer nominated an international worker for a new/vacant position or replaced the post with an existing one. This needs to be validated with relevant documents.
  • Home Affairs Department of Australia confirm the legitimacy of the requirement by cross-checking the submitted documents.
  • This entire process takes around ten months to get the approval for nomination

Visa Application

  • Once you get the nomination approval, you may then lodge your visa application. You may also lodge visa application while waiting for the approval for nomination.
  • To reduce the processing time, you may perform all these three stages at the same time.

Once you perform all the three stages it may take up to 2 years for your visa application to approve under DE stream and about 21 months under TRT stream.

Issues That Cause Delays in RSMS 187 Visa Processing Times:

There are many reasons for your RSMS 187 Visa application to be delayed including:

  • You submitted a complete visa application at once with all the supporting documents
  • Time you take to respond to any entreaty for additional information
  • Time spent to perform required checks by the DHA on the supporting documents provided
  • Time taken by the external agencies to provide information related to your health checks, character certificate and national security.

Eligibility Criteria Benefits of 187 RSMS Visa:

187 RSMS Visa provides all the benefits of permanent residence in Australia to you and your family members if you satisfy the following eligibility criteria:

  • Secured nomination by an employer in Australia
  • Satisfy English language proficiency
  • Meet proper health & character requirements
  • Must not be more than 45 years of age
  • Posses relevant qualifications and skills

Once you meet the above 187 Visa Checklist, you will have the following benefits:

  • Opportunity of studying in Australia
  • Work & live indefinitely in a specified regional area of the country
  • Enrol in Australia’s health care program popularly referred to as Medicare
  • Opportunity to apply for citizenship in Australia, if eligible
  • Sponsor eligible family members for Australian permanent residence
  • Travel in and out of the country unlimited times without any restriction

Role of Consultancies in assisting for Visa Subclass 187 :

Migration Agent Adelaide comes to aid in providing migration assistance. They accelerates the otherwise sluggish procedures of Visa applications. They manage the business sponsorships, nominations and visa applications on the behalf of the applicants. They ensure that the stakeholders involved in the entire process are duly informed and assured of the application and work diligently till the agency is successful in obtaining the anticipated migration outcome on the applicant’s behalf.

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