Overview About The Document Checklist For Visitor Visa Subclass 600 Australia

Overview About The Document Checklist For Visitor Visa Subclass 600 Australia
Posted by Migration Agent Adelaide
on June 24, 2020

Visitor Visa 600 is provided to individuals who visit the country to meet their friends or just for holidays. People who want to visit Australia for a short business trip, they too can apply for this visa as well. The Australian visa subclass 600 will match with all the needs of all the travelers and the visa is designed for people who are visiting the nation for 3, 6, or 12-months.

The visa provides five types of streams for all individuals that are namely approved destination status, tourist visa, frequent traveller visa, business visitor, and sponsored family visa. This particular visa is pretty popular is provided to all interested individuals who wish to visit the Australian soil.

Recent reports have provided information that about 5,884,464 visitor visa applications were lodged within the years 2017-2018. It is a 6.2% increase when compared to 2016-2017, which was 5,540,166. Apart from that, countries that visited Australia many times on a tourist visa are from Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States of America, and Japan. But if an individual is touring Australia with the help of a travel agent from the People’s Republic of China then he/she is eligible to apply for this particular visitor visa Australia.

There are many things that a visa has in store, to learn more about the Subclass Visitor Visa 600, take a look at the information that is provided in this document.

Types Of Visitor Visa

Apart from the Subclass Visitor Visa 600, there are two other types of a visitor visas, which the Australia government provides and the two visas are mentioned below.

eVisitor Subclass 651 visa: The eVisitor Subclass 651 will allow you to visit Australia for 3-months within 12 months for business or touring purposes. The visa is considered to be a free one and you need to be a passport holder of a certain nation to be eligible for this particular visa. Before you apply for this visa, one needs to carry health insurance as it will not be covered under the Australian National Health Scheme, unless their nation carries a reciprocal health agreement with Australia. 

Electronic Travel Authority Subclass 601: The Electronic Travel Authority Subclass 601 visa is provided to individuals who wish to visit Australia for multiple reasons under 12 months as a business visitor or as a tourist. The visa will allow you to visit the country many times and you can also live within the nation for 3-months. The visa subclass 601 requires a service charge of AUD$20 and he/she must be a passport holder of a certain nation. 

Also Read: Know About Costs And Funds Required For Visitor Visa 600

What Will The Visitor Visa 600 Allow You To Do?

Once an individual obtains the Visitor Visa Subclass 600, they will get the opportunity to visit their loved ones and also tour around the country.

• The visa will provide an individual to visit the country only once and if he/she is planning to visit the country again then they need to apply for another visitor visa.

• While the visa is still valid, it will allow the visa holders to travel to and from the nation numerous times without any issues.

• But the amount of time one visits the country cannot be more than the stay, which they have been provided. Make sure you stay updated when your visa is expiring and check your visa conditions as well. 

How One Can Stay Longer In Australia During The COVID-19 Pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the entire world and nearly half of the countries across the world have banned traveling. For such reasons, many individuals are stuck in various countries and cannot return to their homeland. If a person who is currently residing in Australia with a temporary visa and cannot leave the nation, then he/she must apply for a new Visitor Visa 600 before the existing one expires. 

Currently, there is a limited amount of visa available and one must apply for a new visa in Australia if they are granted permission to study, work or live in the country. A bridging visa is considered to be one of the best options, which will allow you to remain in Australia lawfully. Once you obtain this visa, it will give you the time to make all the arrangements to depart from the country.

The Visitor Visa Subclass 600 And Its Conditions

There are several conditions that are provided by the Subclass Visitor Visa 600 and everyone needs to fulfil them. The conditions are mentioned below.

• Individuals who carry a visa with conditions like 8535, 8503 or 8534 and was not be able to leave the country as planned, then they can request for a waiver when their visa is expiring within 4-weeks. This will allow them to stay in Australia for a longer time.

• When he/she has a visa with a condition of 8531 and was not be able to leave the nation, then they must apply for another visa before the existing one expires. For such kind of situation, a bridging visa is considered to be helpful and will allow an individual to stay in the country as a lawful citizen.

• Passport holders who carry the 8558 conditions in their visa but apply for another visa, if they were not successful to leave Australia at a given time. Individuals are eligible to apply for a bridging visa if you apply for a new visa. It will allow him/her to stay in Australia until a proper decision is made regarding the visa application.

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What Are The Visa Processing Arrangements For Subclass 600?

The services provided on the visa processing arrangement is provided by the Immigration Agent Adelaide and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the services are affected as well. There is a wide range of services that might be unavailable and you will receive all the help and guidance from the Migration Agent Adelaide to complete the visa processing arrangements. All applicants will be provided additional time to provide all the requested information and complete checks. 

Apply For The Subclass Visitor Visa 600 And Get To Visit Australia!

The Subclass Visitor Visa 600 is created for people across the planet who wish to visit Australia for holidays, meet relatives, or for business-related purposes. The information that is provided in this document will help all the interested individuals to learn about this particular visa and it can help them. 

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